All posts by repton

Repton Y2K

MinionSoft’s Repton Y2K is little short of a materpiece in gaming terms. It is very playable as is probably as non-commercial Repton games go the best out there at the present time, it is certainly my favourite. It runs under Windows 9x or higher and quite suprisingly requires a 3D card of some sort and pretty high processor, but the new enhanced graphics make up for this and provide a brilliant gaming experience.ReptonY2K

Currently all the Repton 1 and most of the Repton 3 levels are available for download on the MS website, all of these are distributed in various zip files and are being constantly updated which is why rather than providing a download here, I direct you to the MS website to download the various files required to play.

If nothing else take a look at Repton Y2K, it’s ace!

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Masabi release new Repton games

Masabi have released the Pocket PC and Nokia 7650 version of Repton 1! The release date for the PPC version was the 25th of September (sorry I missed that) and the 8th of October for the Nokia version, ppcDthe screenshots for both look pretty impressive. Full information and the press release can be found on the Masabi site, but here are a few screenshots from the PPC version:

So head over to Masabi, the 7650 version is priced at a mere £7.50 and the PPC version is initially free, but requires unlocking. For all you people without a PPC or a 7650, head over to Masabi anyway, because you can pick up some cool wallpaper images.

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If you’ve never played Repton 3 for the Acorn Electron then here is your chance. It was the first version of Repton I played and I must say it was a pretty good version, when you consider the lower spec of the Electron.

Unlike the Beeb version, this version of Repton runs not in fullscreen, but in a small box with all the info to the left, the sprites are thus much smaller, but none of this detracts from the game’s enjoyabilty. This clone is though unfinished, so it is a little buggy in some respects. But it’s still pretty much playable.

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Rockfall – The Return

I haven’t as yet played the PC version of this game (don’t run Windows too often), but from the screenshots it does look pretty cool. This game “Rockfall” is not related to the other game Rockfall by Dark Idols (confusing eh?), but rather originates back to the Atari ST in 1992, since then there have been 3 games for the Atari and this is the new game, under development for Windows. It looks mighty cool so I suggest you visit the website as most info can be found there. Should anyone want to submit a proper review, email it to me.

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Repton 1 Clone

Paul Beiles Original Repton Clone (as in Repton 1) is a very good, playable game. The graphics are an improvement on the original graphics and all the objects of Repton (plus skulls) are included in the game. A good level editor is also included, although there’s no sprite editor. Sadly, I am unable to play this game anymore, since for some strange reason my computer won’t run it correctly. From what I remember though, there are few bugs and those that are there don’t spoil the gameplay (just watch out for the monsters they’re fast). The levels he has provided with the game are brilliant, and so this should provide anyone with a superb chance to try their hand at the first game again.


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Repton 3 Conversion


Jasper Renow-Clarke’s Repton 3 Game was the first game I ever came across on the web. If you’re looking for a PC version of Repton, this is a good place to start. Repton 3 for DOS utilizes all the objects that appeared in Repton 3, and reads original Repton 3 data files, so if you have some old levels locked away somewhere that you wrote, no need to convert them, Jasper’s game reads the level files in perfectly. As far as I can see in the version on this website there is only one bug, you can’t die (but is that a bad thing? 🙂 ). Sadly the version here has only a dumb editor (for viewing levels only) so you will have design new levels on the BBC. If you’re an very experienced with Repton you should definately download this one, because it will give you hours of great Repton game play.

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